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Desire & Attachment

Every act we do in this world with egocentric desires, leave their impressions in our minds and propel us to repeat the action again and again. The desire lead us to get attached to the act or object. Desire by itself may not be bad if we don't get attached to the result. Imagine you ate a very delicious food in a restaurant and you say I like it, I enjoyed it, and want to have it more. This make you to ask for more of it and we are getting attached to the object. Here is an incident to explain what desire and attachment could lead us to in life.

A man after longing to have the 'best' car in his life for a long time, bought his favorite brand new car. From the day the car came home, his only interest is to worry about how best he can take care of his car. He was not letting anybody to touch the car and he was really caring for it more than anything in his life. One day he came back from his work, parked the car. His little son who was playing a ball game nearby saw his dad parking his car and rushed to hug his dad still holding the bat in his hand and as he was approaching the car accidentally he tripped and lost his balance fell on the car, the bat he was holding made a dent on the car. Man got really wild and in a fraction of second he hit his son so hard that the young boy collapsed and lost his consciousness. Then this man got back his sense and saw what a tragedy he brought on to himself, he took his son immediately to hospital. When the son got back his consciousness, he looked at his dad, and said "sorry dad, I will never do it again". The man started crying and he said, "It is not your fault son, I am sorry, I gave more importance to the car than you. I can remove the dent on my car, but I cannot excuse myself for the act I have done on you, it will haunt me till I die."

This way desire lead us to get attached to what we desire and attachment always make us to possess the object we like. When we don't get this object, it will lead us to be sad and it could further lead us to angry when we are desperate to have the object at any cost. This angry clouds our mind and loose our intelligence. When we are angry, our perceptions become false, our estimates vague, our judgments wrong and therefore our actions wild and uncontrolled. This will lead us to disaster.

"By performing action without attachment man reaches the supreme" (Bhagavad Gita)


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