Blog Action Day - 15th October 2009. Biodiversity is very much essential for life to exist on earth. It is our responsibility to protect and preserve the biodiversity of earth. Biodiversity is getting affected by global warming. Global warming or green house effect is happening mainly because of an alarming rate of increase in green house gases in the atmosphere. We are hearing about global warming everyday, the snow caps are melting, level of sea rising, floods in many countries, increasing number of hurricanes etc. Sooner than later every one of us has to understand the impact of greenhouse gases on biodiversity and help to achieve a healthy biodiversity on earth. Instead of depending on government to implement policies to reduce green house gas emission and there by reduce greenhouse effect. Everyone of us try doing possible things during our day to day life to reduce the green house gases and protect the biodiversity of nature. Here are a few ways an individual can do to conserve o...