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Showing posts from 2007

Mind and Intellect

According to Indian philosophy, our mind is flow of thoughts. Whenever we have thoughts, mind has to be there. On the contrary, if there are no thoughts then there is no mind. When we are sleeping, there are no thoughts, hence there is no mind during sleep. The state of our mind depends on emotions of our thoughts. When our thoughts are calm and hopeful our mind is calm and hopeful. When our thoughts are agitated, the mind is agitated. Thoughts are not static they are always flowing, it is like a river, sometime goes through turbulence, sometime flows in calm. Intellect is our decision making capability. Intellect directs the flow of thoughts, that is mind. If our intellect is noble, the thought flowing must also be noble. Through our sense organs, the mind receives external stimuli . The intellect, being the discriminating faculty, examines and judges the stimuli received by the mind, and decides what needs to be done. This decision is sent to the organs of action. Intellect depends o...

Desire & Attachment

Every act we do in this world with egocentric desires, leave their impressions in our minds and propel us to repeat the action again and again. The desire lead us to get attached to the act or object. Desire by itself may not be bad if we don't get attached to the result. Imagine you ate a very delicious food in a restaurant and you say I like it, I enjoyed it, and want to have it more. This make you to ask for more of it and we are getting attached to the object. Here is an incident to explain what desire and attachment could lead us to in life. A man after longing to have the 'best' car in his life for a long time, bought his favorite brand new car. From the day the car came home, his only interest is to worry about how best he can take care of his car. He was not letting anybody to touch the car and he was really caring for it more than anything in his life. One day he came back from his work, parked the car. His little son who was playing a ball game nearby saw his dad ...


By indulging in thinking either about past incidents or about future intentions, our thoughts take us away from being here now. In this state, if we are doing something like driving a car, there is a chance that you could miss something like observing an important traffic sign. For that matter, if we are overtaken by our thoughts, we loose all our awareness about happenings in the current moment. When I take a moment to observe myself having thoughts, I am no longer the thoughts. I get to be and observe at the same time. The one thing that always happens now is our breathing, if we concentrate on our breathing, it draws me into the present. This paying attention to the here and now, to the breath, to the observing one's thoughts without being critical or judgmental is called Mindfulness. Mindfulness is being aware of and paying attention to the current moment. Our past is gone, our future is not yet here. So what exist between them is the present moment. If I can observe and not ge...

Importance of Breathing

Breathing is the primary function of human body which keeps him alive. This signifies the importance of breathing, we are alive till we are breathing and we are dead once we stop breathing. But we hardly ever notice that we are breathing, breathing normally happens mechanically.You may ask me why should I know about breathing when it is automatically taken care off. Yes, it is automatically happening, but that is the problem, when breathing happens without our consciousness, it gets affected by our emotions and most of the time we will be doing shallow breathing. Our emotions vary across the day, getting angry, always in a hurry, sad etc. In turn during these emotions our mind works more on emotions and forgets breathing, when breathing is neglected it often becomes shallow and abnormal.At any point if we just observe our breathing we will know what state of mind we are in, we are at peace or going through a problem or trouble. If we are at peace or joyous our breathing will be normal,...

Sleep Well

Sleeping is essential for human life. Sleeping is the natural way for the body to take rest, in that way the body gets rejuvenated during sleep. Missing a normal day sleep could cause irritability, loss of concentration and other problems. To maintain sanity in our life we need to have proper sleep at night time. Researchers have shown that sleeping at night is better for our health than sleeping during day light. The night symbolises no action and fit for sleep. If I list essential things for a man's survival in the order of importance, the list goes like this, breathing, Water, Food and Sleep. Normally an adult human being needs eight hours of sleep. Children needs more sleep than adult human beings. Sleep gives us following benefits. * gives rest to our body. * rejuvenation of immune, nervous systems * improves memory

Individual effort to reduce Global warming

Biodiversity is very much essential for life to exist on earth. It is our responsibility to protect and preserve the biodiversity of earth. Biodiversity is getting affected by global warming. Global warming or green house effect is happening mainly because of an alarming rate of increase in green house gases in the atmosphere. We are hearing about global warming everyday, the snow caps are melting, level of sea rising, floods in many countries, increasing number of hurricanes etc. Sooner than later every one of us has to understand the impact of greenhouse gases on biodiversity and help to achieve a healthy biodiversity on earth. Instead of depending on government to implement policies to reduce green house gas emission and there by reduce greenhouse effect. Everyone of us individual do the things to reduce the green house gases and protect the biodiversity of nature. Here are a few ways an individual can do to conserve our biodiversity. Walk - If the distance is walkable please wal...

Basic Elements

The five basic elements earth, light, air, ether (space) and water are the reason for life on earth. Earth supports all living organisms. All vegetation grows on earth forms the primary line in food chain. Herbivorous animals depend on vegetation and Carnivorous animals depend on herbivorous animals. Earth has all the minerals which human body needs like iron, calcium, copper etc. These minerals enter human body through vegetables , fruits and other animal meat. After death, our dead body will be either buried or burnt into ashes, in either way our body returns back to earth. This way our body will be manure for plants helping the growth of plants and completing a cycle of food chain. Light from Sun is the main source of energy for all living organisms. Trees and plants absorbs sunlight and produces leaves, fruits and all sorts of vegetation which will be the primary food in the food chain. Human beings gets energy indirectly from Sun, in for form of food. Also, human beings receive...